Well, it goes something like this!
It was cold yesterday. For us here in the Sandhills, anyways. So I wore "a pink bubble jacket," with a zip on/off hoodie. In other words, a down jacket, or a puffer jacket. It was; needless to say, pretty warm. I even started sweating, but I didn't dare take it off.
This southern born and bred gal likes cold weather, but also likes to stay warm - without the bulkiness that that usually entails. It is still cold outside today, but I could not even begin to think about wearing the "pink bubble jacket" again. Maybe another day! I tried on various silk, denim and wool jackets. Nothing was quite doing it for me.
Off to the bed I go from the wardrobe; be that as it may, thinking. Then it hit me! There on my bed was "an orange crush" blanket for one! It was perfect for my tan wool fedora with a floral brooch, deep green long sleeve velvet blouse, gray corduroy slacks, and navy flats! It popped, as we like to say in the fashion industry! And, it is fun to wear too. Call it something different from the usual, if you will.
The blanket for one can be wrapped at least two (2) different ways! There are more I know, but I didn't have the time to experiment this A.M. It can be folded into a triangle; for one, and laid across the back with the narrow ends facing forward. Tie, if you would like. It can also be folded in half, and tucked over a shoulder or under one or both arms. Pin together with a brooch (or a clothes pin - ha, ha, ha), if you would like. I opted for the latter. It was quite easy, really.
Duh, you are probably saying! People do it all the time! I don't, but it sure is fun!
"Happy Wednesday!"
P.S. Blanket, coat, wrap. Whatever...
ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
Angela L Vann, Ms | Evn Greater Things | Far Above Rubies | I Style Yu
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Well, it goes something like this!
It was cold yesterday. For us here in the Sandhills, anyways. So I wore "a pink bubble jacket," with a zip on/off hoodie. In other words, a down jacket, or a puffer jacket. It was; needless to say, pretty warm. I even started sweating, but I didn't dare take it off.
This southern born and bred gal likes cold weather, but also likes to stay warm - without the bulkiness that that usually entails. It is still cold outside today, but I could not even begin to think about wearing the "pink bubble jacket" again. Maybe another day! I tried on various silk, denim and wool jackets. Nothing was quite doing it for me.
Off to the bed I go from the wardrobe; be that as it may, thinking. Then it hit me! There on my bed was "an orange crush" blanket for one! It was perfect for my tan wool fedora with a floral brooch, deep green long sleeve velvet blouse, gray corduroy slacks, and navy flats! It popped, as we like to say in the fashion industry! And, it is fun to wear too. Call it something different from the usual, if you will.
The blanket for one can be wrapped at least two (2) different ways! There are more I know, but I didn't have the time to experiment this A.M. It can be folded into a triangle; for one, and laid across the back with the narrow ends facing forward. Tie, if you would like. It can also be folded in half, and tucked over a shoulder or under one or both arms. Pin together with a brooch (or a clothes pin - ha, ha, ha), if you would like. I opted for the latter. It was quite easy, really.
Duh, you are probably saying! People do it all the time! I don't, but it sure is fun!
"Happy Wednesday!"
P.S. Blanket, coat, wrap. Whatever...
ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
Angela L Vann, Ms | Evn Greater Things | Far Above Rubies | I Style Yu
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