Thursday, August 22, 2019

You can buy, or rent your clothes now


You can do one or the other, with subscription rental services.

O.K. Go ahead and blame the current subscription rental service craze on Bag Borrow Or Steal. They began to offer borrowing, buying, or selling handbags, shoes, and accessories in 2006. But Rent The Runway began to offer renting jewelry, clothing, and accessories+ in 2009. The Trunk Club began something similar as well in 2009, as did Stitch Fix in 2011. Fast forward to today. Other retailers are already offering the same type of services, or are planning to.

American Eagle Style Drop
Infinite Style by Ann Taylor
My List At Bloomingdale's
Express Style Trial
Urban Outfitters' Nuuly

This trend is only expected to gain more momentum. Style Passport by Banana Republic is slated to launch at the end of September. And although Macy's is considering starting a subscription rental service with clothing, etc., it already has a two year old Macy's Beauty Box service on the market.

High end or luxury monthly subscription services include Box Of Style by Rachel Zoe with its accessories and makeup.

If you are a connoisseur of clothing or anything else for that matter, subscription services allow you to try before you buy if nothing else. More importantly, it allows you to use only what you need or want.

"Happy Weekend!"



ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"

Angela L Vann, Ms  |  Evn Greater Things  |  Far Above Rubies  |  I Style Yu 

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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Shop for holiday wear now!


As of today, there are 130 days left until:  Christmas, Wednesday, December 25, 2019! 

Social activities for Christmas begin in earnest 30-90 days out! In other words, the first day of Thanksgiving if not before!  

Why wait until the last minute to get what you want, or need? You can easily save 20%-50% while the Dog Days of Summer are raging! Yes, it has been 'a hot one!' And, it's still hot. Relief will come for us here in the Sandhills of North Carolina sooner or later. Probably later.   

Look for animal prints in attire or accessories to wear this holiday season. Make that leopard, snakeskin, or zebra prints! The choice is yours. If you are adventurous, combine one or two if not three of the prints together. Check and double-check the mirror before going on the other side of the door. You could look spectacular, or you could look peculiar. Just saying.   

My favorite print is zebra. There's something about black + white with a pop of color! It takes me anywhere! 

Nearly all designers; not to mention stores, have some [if not plenty] of the prints this fall. And they can be found at all price points. How cool is that? Look for them. Experiment with them. Wear them. 

"Happy Weekend!"



ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"

Angela L Vann, Ms  |  Evn Greater Things  |  Far Above Rubies  |  I Style Yu

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