I have put bronzer, and shimmer on the body before. Who hasn't? You know. The face, the arms, the legs. Sometimes the occasion calls for it. I would not trade the Scott Barns' Body Bling glow for anything. It is good!
I have not put body foundation on yet, but I would be willing to try the KKW Beauty Skin Perfecting Body Foundation. Kim Kardashian West, are you listening out there? The summer sun brings out the desire to touch up the skin in all of us. It can get uneven, with the best of efforts. And if you haven't seen the sun so far this year? Although I can't imagine it, you could probably use it more than the lot of us. Just saying!
It is way too hot for pantyhose. It has been here in the Sandhills region of North Carolina since early May. Even if it had not been, pantyhose are more irritant than attribute. I can not begin to tell you how many pairs I have ruined before they got past the ankles! I will go bare legged in 20-degree weather even, if I must! Well, I reckon I must!
Have fun in the sun whether you use shimmer, bronze or foundation this summer!
"Happy July 4th Week!"
ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
Angela L Vann, Ms | Evn Greater Things | Far Above Rubies | I Style Yu |
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