National Pumpkin Day may be October 26th, but pumpkin products began showing up on the shelves before Labor Day!
Unless it's edible or something I can smell good in, I would like to have a couple of the MacKenzie-Childs pumpkins. The Black & White pumpkins are elegant; dare I say, and can be used year after year after year. Pair them with other colors; and voila, you have a bonafide scene stealer.
And do I ever enjoy Philosophy products. The only thing I have been able to find even remotely related to a pumpkin is the Apple Cider shampoo, shower gel, and bubble bath. And it's not pumpkin at all really, but it will have to do up un-til!
There are always pumpkin spices, coffee, and candles available this time of the year. No need to drone on about it here. And then there is pumpkin peanut butter, popcorn, candy, nuts, and oatmeal. But the most interesting thing of them all is the pumpkin Spam. Hey, I'm willing to try it if you are! It might be good! We will have to compare notes.
"Happy Today!"
ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
Angela L Vann, Ms | Evn Greater Things | Far Above Rubies | I Style Yu
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