Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Grits + butter = smooth feet!


When it comes to beauty, I like nat-u-ral!

Quite by accident, I discovered that ---

1)  Grits make a great exfoliator! For the hands, the elbows, the knees, and the feet! Especially, the feet! But, it's also good for the entire body! Who knew? I knew, that's who!

2)  Slathering room temperature butter on freshly exfoliated, damp hands, elbows, knees and feet is such an aaaaah moment!

But just so that you know, I do not apply butter to the entire body. I do apply a tiny amount on the face and neck before or after regular moisturizer, if I need a little something extra. Shucks, I rarely ever even "lotion up!" I don't often need to! It must be all of the water I try to chug-a-lug, and the fruit and vegetables I try to eat! Yes! Yes!

"Happy Today!"




ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"

Angela L Vann, Ms  |  Evn Greater Things  |  Far Above Rubies  |  I Style Yu

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