If you know anything about me, you know that I like a good body scrub, and I think I have come up with one of the best. It is quite simple, really. I take equal amounts of sugar + salt, and add it to grits. I add it to the same amount of grits some of the time, but less at others. Little to no "rubbing it in," and you have nicely smooth skin for pennies on the dollar! Add essentials oils to it for a yum, yum, yummy smell!
A Kate Spade store opened at the Carolina Premium Outlets a few days ago! The word is, a Michael Kors store may open too! Bring it on!
There are 22 more days left until the first day of summer, Friday, June 21, 2019! Who would have thunk? It felt like summer days ago in this record breaking heat! Oh me, oh my.
"Happy Weekend!"
ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
Angela L Vann, Ms | Evn Greater Things | Far Above Rubies | I Style Yu
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