Thursday, May 23, 2019

It's my birthday month, and I want seersucker!


Oopsy daisy! It's been a while! I do apologize! No, I haven't been on an extended vacation. It is a bit of a long story; but, one day I will tell - almost all! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! But; I must admit, I had not blogged in so long it took nearly seven days for me to remember my password! Good grief! I know, right? Anyhow...

And do you know what else took a while? Figuring out how to shave under my arms! Gosh, darn! Instead of going up and down, or down and up, go sideways! It takes less of a swipe! Call it easier on the skin, if you will. Just saying...

Do you know what I am craving? No, it is not chocolate! That was yesterday! Today, it's seersucker! What a fabric for this early hot, humid Sandhills weather! I do declare! Put in on sale; already, will 'ya?

I'm into pearls, too! For a real humdinger of a pearl necklace, the seemingly endless 80" pearls are all of that and a bag of chips! I am telling you!

The month is quickly coming to close! I'd better make my move on that seersucker, and the pearls pretty soon! I consider it 'early Christmas gifts!' Speaking of which, there are 217 days left until Christmas, Wednesday, December 25, 2019! Mark that on your calendar!   

"Happy Thursday!"



ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"

Angela L Vann, Ms  |  Evn Greater Things  |  Far Above Rubies  |  I Style Yu

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