Friday, October 18, 2019

Colorful tights, please


Colorful tights, pantyhose, and socks are baaaaack! They have been easing their way back into our consciousness for about there years now.

Remember when we wore them? I wore them to work during the mid 1980's to the early 1990's. I adored them then, and I adore them now! I couldn't wait until Belk had a Hanes sale. I couldn't get there fast enough! I would pick up royal blue most of the time. The red would sell out quickly. I wonder why.

I liked matching the pantyhose color to the shoe for maximum impact (with knee length shorts, and  skirts). I liked matching the pantyhose color to the hem of the knee length shorts and skirts, for maximum impact too. A lot depended on what colors I could find.  Either way, I felt taller than my 5'6 frame! What fun!

I don't wear tights, pantyhose, or socks nearly as much as I used to anymore. I have gotten so used  to not wearing them. Who hasn't? Besides, the bare, natural skin tone + the same color shoe phenomenon can NOT be beat! The next best thing? The bare, natural skin tone + any color shoe!  Just don't forget to use a good body scrub regularly.

I did something this morning that I had never thought of doing before. I took an old towel, cut it, and placed it into my sneakers. Presto! A shoe liner that I can live with. 

"Happy Today!"



ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"

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