National Chicken Wing Day is July 29th!
National Pizza Day is February 9th!
Super Bowl LIV is Sunday!
Massive amounts of chicken wings and pizza are consumed on Super Bowl Sunday. Over 14 million chicken wings, and a couple of million pizzas went down the gastrointestinal chute during last year's game. It is a real wonder anyone makes it anywhere the day after the game. At least, on time.
The question begs to be asked. Who has the best chicken wings and pizza here in the #FayettevilleMetropolitanArea? Whosoever's you eat, that's who!
Oh, and yeah.
National Chocolate Day is October 28th!
National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day is February 14th! Same as, Valentine's Day.
Why wait to eat chocolate? Chocolate is chocolate; same as, chicken wings and pizza are chicken wings and pizza.
Celebrate every day in some small way with one, the other, or whatever else. Just don't be massive about it.
Happy Super Bowl Sunday!
And, Happy Valentine's Day!
Soar, in 2020!
ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
Angela L Vann, Ms | Even Greater Things | Far Above Rubies | I Style Yu
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