If you live here in the Sandhills of North Carolina as I do, I am willing to wager that you have had a many a sweet potato pies. All are not created equally! Some are; gulp, barely there!
Most of the not so good, or even the so so ones, are bland. There, I've said it! Meaning, having little to no natural taste. It doesn't seem to matter if the potatoes came from around the way, or a grocer. And it doesn't seem to matter if the pies were made from scratch, or came from the 'sto either. Adding extra sugar to the mix, or an additional sweeter on top after baking, such as marshmallows or whipped cream, does nary a thing for it [in addition] other than, upping your calorie count!
Where there is a will, there is a way! Call it impatience, or the mother of necessity! Actually, I just wanted extraordinary tasting pies.
Do. Not. Boil. The. Sweet. Potatoes. Ever!!!
Wash. Peel. Grate, or puree.
Add to other ingredients. Bake.
It...worked! It...works!
Best sweet potato pie ever
And the same applies to pumpkin.
You think? I think!
As of today, Friday, November 22, there are 34 more days left until: Christmas, Wednesday, December 25, 2019!
"Happy Thanksgiving!"
P.S. What is the difference between sweet potato pudding and sweet potato pie? The thickness of the filling! And, nothing but!
ALV & Co., "The Gold Standard!"
Angela L Vann, Ms | Even Greater Things | Far Above Rubies | I Style Yu
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